SO, what did happen during legislative session?
GNDC works hard at the Capitol to ensure businesses' voices were heard throughout the session. Whether it was advocating for specific tools, programs, or pieces or criticizing legislation that would harm North Dakota’s business climate, GNDC was there for our membership. This webinar will dive into these business-related outcomes of Session.
This webinar will launch our Legislative Report which looks at the pro-business bills that were passed, as well as the bills that we struck down that would have increased business costs or imposed regulatory burdens. Also included in our Report is our How They Voted Legislative Scorecard – demonstrating which legislators were pro-business. We are excited to acknowledge this group of legislators who had a positive influence on North Dakota’s recovery, economy, and future growth.
This is a member-exclusive event as ongoing member support ensures the ability to do our work.
Following the discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to pose questions to the speakers. To receive call-in information for this virtual event, members will need to register in advance.
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Thursday Jun 5, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Mallory Humann
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PO Box 2639, Bismarck, ND 58502 – (701) 222-0929 –